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We have a range of programmes for children and young people of all ages. 

Check our church calendar for info on special events. 

Baby Blue & Green Illustrated Children's Play Area Desktop Walppaper (Logo) (1).jpg

Sunday Morning

We run a kids and youth programme

alongside morning worship. 


Toddler Church - Birth to 3 years

(Parents/carers to accompany)


Kids Church - 3 years to P5

Roots AM - P6 to year 14




Messy Church

Messy Church is a great way for younger families to come and enjoy learning about God through celebration, story, singing, craft, and sharing food together.


Messy Church runs monthly on a Sunday morning. Check our calendar for the next date. 

Yellow Purple Learning with Us Youtube Kids Channel Art (Logo) (2).jpg

Toddler Group

We welcome parents, grandparents and carers with children (newborn to age 3) in the JB Halls on Thursdays from 10 am to 11.30 am.


Includes refreshments, story time and rhyme time.


Cost £1.50 per family. 


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Youth Club

Come along to Youth Club and spend time with friends and have fun. Enjoy activities like table tennis, football, board games, tuck shop, Xbox and more.


Youth Club meets fortnightly for young people in Year 8 to Year 14 on Saturdays from 7 pm to 9 pm in the JB Halls. 

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Child Protection

Taking Care is the initiative introduced by the Presbyterian Church in Ireland (PCI) to ensure that the church does all it can to keep young people safe while involved in church-based activities. But we also want our volunteers to be a “listening ear” for any young people who may be worried about anything in their life and need someone to turn to.   The principle behind Taking Care is that next to proclaiming God’s Word and the love of Christ, nothing could be more important than keeping our children and young people safe. Gilnahirk Church will implement the Taking Care guidelines. As part of safe recruitment procedures, we will ensure that appropriate vetting is carried out and that all volunteers will attend a PCI presentation on child protection. The church has clear guidelines on how adults and young people should behave through their codes of conduct and how to respond to a concern through its reporting procedures. 


If, as a parent, volunteer or young person, you have any concerns or want more information, please contact the designated officers through the church office at Gilnahirk Church.


Child Safeguarding: Patricia Gowdy

Adult safeguarding: Judith Morrow


Other Useful Contacts

Taking Care Office

028 90 417290



24hr Helpline: 0808 800 5000



0800 1111


Domestic and sexual abuse helpline NI

Freephone: 0808 802 1414

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Gilnahirk Presbyterian Church,  161 Gilnahirk Road, Belfast, BT5 7QP  |  |  Phone: 028 90403589

 Normal Office Hours: Tuesday, Thursday, Friday,  12-5 pm

©2023 by GILNAHIRK PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Registered Charity in Northern Ireland: NIC 104474

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