Learn and grow together
On Sunday mornings at 11 am, we gather for worship as a whole church family. Our services are about an hour long. They are filled with Bible reading and teaching, prayers and praise including a selection of traditional hymns and more contemporary praise.
Our evening services normally take place on the first and third Sundays of the month in various formats.
Discipleship is about learning to live out our faith and follow Jesus in our everyday lives. In our Discipleship groups, we study the Bible and discuss how it guides our decisions and how God's Word applies in the different seasons of our lives. We love to do this together over a cuppa.
Our groups meet fortnightly on Tuesdays and Wednesdays at 8 pm and Fridays at 11.30 am.
We would love to pray for you.
If you have specific prayer requests, please fill out a prayer card provided in the church pews. Rest assured, your requests are handled confidentially and can be anonymous if you’d prefer.
You are also welcome to join us as we continue to explore what it means to be a praying people. Have a look at our calendar to find out about our next prayer gathering.
Get Connected
Make meaningful friendships through our various organisations.
For further information on each group, please contact Anne: office@gilnahirkpresbyterian.org | Phone: 028 90403589

Choir: Thursdays 7.30-9pm
Contact Singers (all-age community choir): Monday 6.30-7.30pm
Praise Group
(singers & musicians):
Second Sunday of the month 7.30-9pm

PW (Presbyterian Women) is an organisation within the Presbyterian Church in Ireland that enables, encourages and equips women to become disciples of Christ.
PW meets in the Stye Brae on the third Wednesday of the month at 2.30 pm.

Gilnahirk Friendship Group
Gilnahirk Friendship Group meets on the first Wednesday of each month and provides space for fun and fellowship for those who find it more difficult to get out and about themselves. Lifts can be arranged.

Monday Morning Drop In
Monday Morning Drop In runs from
11 am to 12 noon in the Stye Brae.
Come along for a friendly chat and free refreshments.

Gilnahirk Ladies Group
Gilnahirk Ladies Group usually meets on the last Monday of the month, at 2.30 pm in the Stye Brae. You will enjoy regular guest speakers, chat and a cuppa.

Gilnahirk Men's
Gilnahirk Men's group meets fortnightly on Wednesday mornings at 10.30 am in the JB Halls. We offer a varied programme of interesting speakers and outings.

Ladies Bowling
Ladies indoor bowls meets on Tuesday afternoons at 2 pm in the JB Halls.
Bowls can be provided.

Men's Association
Men's indoor bowls meets on Tuesday evening at 7.30 pm in the JB Halls.
Bowls can be provided.